Welcome to LymphNotes.ORG

LymphNotes.org is a new nonprofit educational organization with a twenty year history that is being organized by the founders of Lymph Notes.

LymphNotes.org focuses on these related medical conditions:

  • Lymphedema: edema or swelling from dysfunction of the lymphatic system.

  • Lipedema: aka painful fat syndrome, a loose connective tissue disorder associated with abnormal fat growth, pain, hypermobility, and other medical issues.

  • Dercum’s Disease: a rare condition with extremely painful nodules, multiple variations, co-occurs with lipedema.

LymphNotes.org supports the people with these conditions—as well as their friends, family, caregivers, and health care providers—with trustworthy information from experts.

LymphNotes.org will become the parent organization for:

For more information, please Contact LymphNotes.ORG.